Sunday, 11 December 2011

2 Months (Nearly) Before Trip . . .

Decided to create a blog to keep track of this upcoming trip to the winter wonderland of Hokkaido. It is still nearly 2 months away to the trip but preparation has since started; beginning with the booking of airticket a month ago. There is no direct flight to Hokkaido so it is usually involving a transit at Tokyo and the usual airlines that can get you there safely and in the shortest possible time are SQ, ANA or JAL.

Was thinking of trying SQ's A380 to tokyo but the timing of this flight is not the best one can hope for. The SIN-NRT sector is ok since its a day flight but the return sector NRT-SIN will mean arrival in SIN at 3am in the morning! Moreover, there was no fare promotion going on in October when I was pondering over which flight to take, and without promotion fare, the SQ flight to Tokyo alone would have been rather expensive at nearly SGD1000. A normally discounted SQ fare for this SIN-NRT-SIN would be around SGD600 all inclusive. Hence I decided to check out the ANA fare and was glad to see that they are having this promotion fare of SGD200 (excluding taxes) to Tokyo. After including the domestic fare (Tokyo-Chitose-Tokyo) of SGD180 and the relevant taxes etc, it comes up to about SGD850 per person, which I think its quite a deal, so you can see it is important to check early for fare promotion among various airlines and also make sure you check carefully the total cost, not blindly believing in an advertised fare without looking at the fineprint. If you are thinking why I did not mention anything more about JAL cos' there was no promotion fare and the review online seems to point to either SQ or ANA as the favorite airlines to Japan. Well don't wack me if JAL is your favorite airline ;)

By the way, at the time of writing this post, SQ has a "Super Deal" promotion fare to Tokyo for the travel period (off-peak in Singapore) that I will be traveling and it is slightly less than SGD600 (SGD593 to be exact) all inclusive. Their next best deal for the same period is "Sweet Deals 2 to go" and is going at SGD1059! I was just doing a rough calculation that if I had waited for this SQ fare promotion, I can possibly take the A380 to Tokyo and then get a NRT-CTS-NRT domestic flight with ANA (Star Alliance Japan Airpass) for Y21000 (or about SGD356 based on today's exchange rate). Anyway, just calculating for fun since I already got my ANA ticket.

After sorting out the flights, next is to decide what to do and where to go within Hokkaido? Its a big place and its mid-winter in February!

心还在想是不是也该写中文的博客,也不晓得写得够不够水准,会有人要读吗?嗨! 别管了!写了再说,就当作是一个重新练习写中文的机会。既然对象是读中文的读者,那应该不需要写太多关于从新加坡订机票的一些细节。既然机票定了, 下一个发表就会写一些关于如何筹备这个北海道冬季自由旅行的相关资料。北海道 -  看着地图,  这么大, 只有八天, 该怎么走, 该去哪里?

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